
How many kids will I have in my life

by Guest65374  |  earlier

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I'm 20 years old, and I want to know is there anyway I will determine how many kids I will have in my life.there has to be a way to know how many kids I will have in my life.




  1. you should start with one first and then you know

  2. would it be possible to tell that?? Only way I can think of is if you are infertile or have your tubes tied or a hysterectomy then you would know for sure you would have none.  

  3. I think the only way to do this to reckon it for yourself. It's really up to you :-)

  4. depends on how many your mom had theres a good chance you'll have same amount

  5. What are you...some kind of moron?!  If you're asking that question, then you're not fit to have ANY kids!  PLEASE don't bring anymore wastes of oxygen into the world

  6. depends on alot of things like how often you have s*x

  7. i think you will have 13

  8. how ever many you decide to have.

  9. Thats impossible to tell.

    I mean goodness...imagine these kids who never thught of having kids then got raped/unprotected s*x/bad judgement???

    How is anyone to know what is going to happen...

    Expect the unexpected..

    Its usually up to the woman.

    But things happen. So youll never know until your officially done with reproducing...

    stop worrying and have fun

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