
How many kilometers from haadyai to kota baru malaysia by road and how many hours traveling time.

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and how many km to trengganu and Kuala lumpur fro kelantan and how many hours ttravelingtime




  1. Hi I'm from Kota Bharu. Travelling time from Kota Bharu to K.Trengganu is approximately 2 - 3 hours. About 200 km.

    From Kota Bharu to Kuala Lumpur ? Depend , there are 3 routes or options


    1. Kota Bharu - K.Trengganu - Kuantan- Karak : 8 - 9 hour, approximately 700-800 km. Drive at normal speed and adhere to speed limit.

    2. Kota Bharu - Gua Musang- Kuala Lipis- Raub- Bentong-Kuala Lumpur. 6-7 hours , the road are hilly and terrain in nature.

    3. Kota Bharu- Grik- Kuala Kangsar via North South Expressway:7 hours.

    You may want to check the below website. It give you the details map.

    There were a few pointer that you should consider while travelling from Kota Bharu to Kuala Lumpur through these routes.

    ~If you like to view sea side, fisher man village. A gentle drive along the coastline. Choose option # 1

    ~You are in hurry and don't mind the narrow and winding road. Choose option # 2. You will be driving thru rubber, palm oil estate and jungle with nice hilly view.

    ~ you don't mind to drive along hilly expressway Jeli- Grik and  the shady of rubber tree in Kuala Kangsar. Before speeding in North South Expressway. Choose option 3

    Good luck! Do check this website

  2. haadyai to kota bharu -- don't know, never travel to haadyai

    kelantan to terengganu -- about 3 to 4 hours

    kelantan to kuala lumpur -- about 5 to 6 hours

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