
How many kilometers is it from Norway to Taiwan? Straight line is ok. Thanks!?

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This is a tax question for me, since I am living in both countries, and can get some tax reduction for my travels between the two countries.




  1. Here is some logic mixed with math.  You may like it.  A point in mid Taiwan is: N 23d 44m; E 120d 49m.  A point in mid Norway is N 61d 15m; E 007d 46m.  Now you have the points for the side and base of a triangle.  The side (height) is (N) 38d and the base (E) is 113d.  Using an old math theorem the hypotenuse is 119d.  This is the distance.  So to translate this into kilometers, we know that a degree at 90d latitude is 60 nm.  but is gets smaller as we approach the North Pole at about the sin of the longitude.  The longitude of the distance varies from 61d to 23d or averages 42d.  The sin of 42d is .67 so the mileage is about 40.2 nmi per degree.  One more thing, there are 1.852 km/nmi.  So, putting it all together:

    .67 x 60 x 1.852 x 119.22 = 8866  and that's in km.  By the way, pick another point in the countries and get a different answer -- but probably not by much.

  2. About 8775 km (5452 miles) from Oslo, Norway to Taipei, Taiwan according to and "as the crow flies"

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