My bill has a chart that shows average KWH per day, and average cost per day. My current month's average is 39 kwh per day, which means I'm paying $4.10 per day.
Is this more or less energy usage than your bills?
About a week before I got this bill (my first bill, I just got out on my own), I installed CFL lightbulbs. Even when I used the incandescents, I didn't turn on the lights until it got dark outside...and even then, only one light would be on from 8 pm until around 1 am (kitchen/living room light). Then if we had to go into another room, we'd turn the light on when necessary, and off when we left the room.
I'm obviously trying hard to save energy/money and am wondering what my results are compared to other people. I'm going to try to find other ways to lower my power bill even further, but I hope that I'm doing a good job already.
So if your bill has this kind of information on it, please share your stats! It would be interesting to see. Thanks. =)