
How many land miles can the average helicopter on one tank of gas?

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How many land miles can the average helicopter travel on one tank of gas?




  1. depends on the helicopter, a ch47 can hold around 8000 pounds and it can make it around 600-800 miles depending on wind and the such

  2. With helicopters what you want to be concerned with is endurance, that is time in the air, rather than distance covered. A helicopter does a lot of things that involve time in the air, rather than distance, such as inspections of power lines & rights of way, rescue, traffic coverage, and so forth.



  3. Depending on the type of helicopter, it can be anywhere from 300 miles (UH-1) to 1250 miles (CH-47)

    Here is what looks like a good source.  They have a section on civilian and military helicopters.

    One other thought.  Almost all aircraft list their specs in nautical miles (NM).  1 nautical mile = 1.15 statute (land?) miles.  So a helicopter that can fly 300nm would be 345 statute miles.

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