
How many languages are spoken in Spain?

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How many languages are spoken in Spain?




  1. Main, common, official language is Spanish. In some areas, there are other co-official languages: Catalan, Euskera & Galician. Catalan is mostly used in Catalunya, Balears and Comunitat Valenciana (east). Galician is spoken in Galicia (northwest). Euskera is the language of Basque Country (north). Spanish, Catalan and Galician came from Latin. The origin of Euskera is unknown.

  2. Officialy 5. Spanish (also called Castilian) is the official language nationwide, known and spoken by all Spaniards. Catalan is official in Catalonia (Northeastern Spain) and the Balearic Islands (Mediterranean Sea), Euskera in the Basque Country (Northern Spain), Galician in Galicia (Northwest) and Valencian in the Autonomous Community of Valencia (East). Valencian and Catalan are almost the same language (many consider that Valencian is only a dialect of Catalan). Euskera is also used in the North of Navarra but it is not regionwide official. Aranese is official in a small valley in northern Catalonia (Aran). Note that the only language which a Spaniard is supposed to know by law is Spanish although an actual negotiation between the Government and the Catalan autonomous Government may make knowledge of Catalan a duty in Catalonia.

    There are also many other languages which are minoritary and are not recognised officialy. Asturleonese is a language whith many variants and dialects spoken in northwestern Spain. Asturian (or Bable), spoken in the region of Asturias (North), is the most important of them. Aragonese is spoken in the region of Aragon. You can even hear Arab and Tamazigh spoken by some people living in the Autonomous Cities of Ceuta and Melilla, located in the North of Morocco. Check for other spanish minoritary languages in the link.

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