
How many letters and numbers does your 3.5 yr old know?

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How many letters and numbers does your 3.5 yr old know?




  1. As many as you taught him/her.

  2. My son is 4 in June. He can count 0 - 20 correctly and can do basic addition and subtraction under 10. He also knows numbers before and after when not counting.

    He also knows most of the alphabet and is particularly strong on letters in common words like mummy, daddy his name, sisters name, nursery friends start initials etc..

  3. He knows 1-3.  Why do you ask?  I hope I helped!!

  4. Both of my kids knew all the capital letters, and the "easy" lower case ones by this age (by sight, name, and sound).  The harder ones (lower case b,d, p,q,g) took a little longer - they still get them mixed up occassionally at 4 and 5.  Both also knew the numbers written to 10, and could count aloud to about 20.  The range in the kids classes though is huge - at that age, some could almost sound out words, others couldn't do more than A-E, 1-5.  At this age, they know what someone has taken time to teach them.

  5. My dd knows the whole alphabet, sounds too. She can count to 60 on her own, to 100 with help on the 10's and can recognize numbers up to 49.

    This is not normal though. I am shamelessly bragging because I am a proud momma. You should be too!

  6. At that age he was counting to a hundred and reciting the alphabet backwards. He really impressed my mom when she got home from the bar/christmas party [while my brother babysat] and he just started spewing the alphabet out backwards. I had gone to the dollar store and bought a ton of teaching and learning posters and workbooks, since I didn't want to send him off to school just then, but I still wanted to fill his day with fun and learning.

  7. My grandson is 3 yrs. 7 months.  Douglas knows all the letters upper and lowercase.  He is reading short vowel words and beginning on words with long vowels.  

    He can count to 100 most of the time.  He can count by 10 to 100.  He can read numbers to 100 and the even hundred numbers to 900.

    We have been reading to him since birth, playing learning games with him almost that long.  We are currently working actively with him and his 2 yo brother doing units based on books we read.

    We just finished a unit on whales.  He can identify many different whales and state if they are baleen or toothed whales.  He can tell what echolocation and blowholes are.  He can name the four oceans and locate them on maps and the globe.  

    While we never push the boys we believe in bringing new ideas and concepts to them everyday.  We present materials in fun ways hoping to capture their interest.  They are bright boys who delight in learning and having the time and attention given to them.

    We will continue to teach them at home through all their school years as we believe that homeschooling provides the best option for their education.

  8. She can sing the whole alphabet and count to 20 in english and 10 in spanish.  She was 3 in January.

  9. 24 letters (only because "L, M, N" comes out "M, N, M")

    Phonics for about 18-20 letters (recognizes them and what they sound like)

    19 of the numbers needed to count to 20 ("16" usually gets dropped)

  10. Our son will be 4 in September.  He knows the whole alphabet, but has a bit of trouble with lower case letters.  He can spell his full name verbally and is learning to write it himself.  He can type it on a computer.  For numbers, he can count to 14 OK, but for some reason has always gotten stuck at 15.  He knows how to count through each set of 10 (like 20, 21, 22, 23...) but has trouble with continuance.

    We work on it, but we don't drill him.  We read to him several times/day and he loves to "read" and he is very crafty.  For some reason the numbers are harder for him, so he must be like me - much better with words and very artistic.  I am a mathematical flop.

  11. it depends on how quick he can pick up with the topic..

  12. My son turns 4 on Saturday he can name 15 of the capital letters 6 of the lowercase. Can count to 12 and sing  ABC song at about 70% accuracy. 6 months ago he could only count to 5 and sing ABC xyz.

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