
How many letters are there in ABCD?

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How many letters are there in ABCD?




  1. 10?

  2. no letters as letters are in my letterbox and at the post office...

  3. Aey-Bee-Cee-Dee

    total 12 letters

    ABCD =4 letters

  4. THEY THEMSELVES ARE LETTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  5. A to Z 26

    ABCD 4

  6. none

    letters are found in the mail box

  7. i think its 4

    best of luck!!

    keep smiling:))))))

  8. well i think ABCD is not a post office or post box that it will have letters

  9. Obviously 4....!!!!

  10. Four Letters

  11. why don't u just count it i hope u have learnt numbering if you haven't just mail me

  12. Der r 26 letters..!

  13. there r four letters in "ABCD"

  14. well since this is a riddle i think the answer is 4.  

  15. simple 4 letters in ABCD.

  16. 4 letters, but if ABCD is the name of a post office, uncountable letters.

  17. none we store letters in a post box

  18. ABCD is not a valid word. Hence no letters

  19. 4

  20. 1 Vowel - A

    3 Consonants -BCD

  21. 7

  22. 26

  23. 5.b'cas while pronouncing c     e also gets pronounced

  24. its not a word, but 4

    if the concept is the alphabet, then 26

  25. there are 4 ltters in abcd

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