
How many liberal Democrats will it take to repair the 18 million cracks in that glass ceiling.?

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I see the liberals every day coming up with excuses and reasons why a woman and a mother cannot be VP or President, the amount of sexism on display is disgusting and obvious, are they trying to take back all the progress women have made in this country.




  1. Their insane rush to install a Marxist Arab as President has left them devoid of all thought process and they can't think of the damage they are doing to women in general, as if Hilary Clinton is the only woman in the world. (The one that Obama trashed.)

  2. No we are not. You'e judgement is wrong. No wonder you're voting for McCain.

    You have it all wrong!

  3. Liberals will complain and a conservative will do the actually job

    McCain/Palin 2008

  4. The ceiling is about to be shattered with Vice President Sarah Palin and future President Palin

  5. I think you misunderstand some voters' frustrations.

    The fact is that the McCain campaign is pandering.

    And that a man with Palin's credentials NEVER would've been chosen.

    Just like a person should NOT be denied a position because she is a woman, a person SHOULD NOT be given one because she is.


  6. You should practice what you pray .

    And come on, isn't it funny that a women that  prays sexual abstinence before marriage has an underaged, pregnant teenager?

  7. You guys were the ones claiming that Hillary retreats "behind the apron strings." Only a few people have made comments about her being a mom, and those people do not speak for our entire party any more than the earlier Repubs I mention speak for yours.

    What is sexist is that Sarah Palin's being a woman is the only thing you REPUBS seem to focus on, and the only excuse you have for the thoughtful and legitimate critiques we provide.


    If she were a man, I'd probably feel less guilty about making criticisms towards her.

  8. Ha ha - I guess when Obama pimps out the demorat women he passed by to campaign for him.


    reps. said we where playing the race card and now look at this question

    and no one said your links please

  10. Ummmmm it will only take the great work out Obama and Biden once they become elected into the white house.

    Annnnd the only reason there is controversy is because us liberals think she was only chosen to balance out the ticket. Obama potentially may be the first black president and Palin may potentially be the first female vice president. McCain wanted to elect her so he would have a better chance. Personally I dont have any problem with having a woman in the white house. I just think McCain chose her so he can increase his chances for the presidency.

    Annnnnd Liberals got women the right to vote back in the day!!!! How dare you say that we are sexist! Unlike conservatives, we strive for equity among all races and sexes.

    And what the h**l is with her views on no s*x education and discouraging reproduction?!?!?!   Come onnnn, people are going to have s*x and not know what they are going to be at risk for!!!! Seriously s*x education is something that many teens actually take seriously! Take that away and more unplanned babies will be born and STD's will become even more common! You cant teach abstinence only.......cause I guaranteed you, its not going to work!!

    Obama/Biden 2008!!!!!!

  11. Too late to repair the cracks.  The Dems already sniffed all the glue.

  12. We dont care that shes women or she has kids. I would have voted for Hillary if she got the nomination. Palin isn't for womens rights, she has no experience and shes a REPUBLICAN (which is the main reason i dont like her)

  13. We only need Obama and Biden, so I guess the answer is two.

  14. None the cracks are there permanently. Thanks to us Republicans.

    Come on now, did you ever see a democrat do anything but sue?


  15. LOL LOL LOL I guess rosy the riveter can fix it up!!!!star for you

  16. Take back the progress women have *made* in this country?


    You're right on the money with that line of logic!

    The Republicans have been trying to strip women of their rights to free experession, rights to choose, rights to having an abortion, and rights to have equal or better paychecks as men.

  17. Palin opposes equal pay for equal work, so she's all for sealing the glass ceiling behind herself again.

  18. Govenor Palin certainly doesn't see the woman's issues the way I see them.  Her stances on reproduction issues (abstinence only education/knocked up daughter), cerntainly don't represent my opinions.  

    Her education at the University of Idaho???  What the h**l?  With all the amazing women I have known, I am suprised this is all the Republican Party could dig up.

    I would be thrilled with a female candicate however this candidate is seriously lacking, regardless of the gender.

  19. as many  that  vote  for  obama

  20. i wont be one. palin is gonna sink for herself......and the whole point is........that we KNOW its pandering and that you repub fuks dont care about long as they have dinner ready they dont get beaten. the ONLY reason she was nominated was because she was a women.......affirmative action at its know it and i know it.......have fun playing your sexist card.

    just like why clarence thomas was elected to the courts........solely so repubs can say "hey we're not the racist ones"....people that use minorities and women to their advantage are downright pigs.

  21. mighty bond.

  22. Gotta love the double Liberal standard, Hillary cracks the ceiling and Palin breaks through it, now its not okay that Palin has more experience than Obama and is going to make a great woman VP

    McCain Palin in 08  

  23. I don't see a lot of people that have an issue with her because she is a women, I see a lot of people that have an issue with her because:

    1. She has no large government experience. Being the mayor of a little town is not the same as being president.

    2. She has taken the stance that teens should be taught not to have s*x and that prevention education is unneeded. Yet her own 17 year old daughter is pregnant.

    The democrats, not the republicans have brought about the gains women have received lately.

  24. Democrats have no problem with a woman and mother being a

    VP or a President.....we do have a problem with the one who has the chance to make it there though.  She is the Anti-Liberal, therefore has no common ground with us Liberal Women Democrats.  We don't vote on gender, race or religion alone, we look at issues.  Perhaps you should try it.

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