
How many liberals will mark the 4th of July as a day of mourning?

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Will it be a day of mourning such as liberals mark Columbus day? (see article below)

Will liberals try to ban people from wishing you a Happy 4th of July as they try to ban people from saying Merry Christmas?

Will liberals try to change Independence days as liberal feminists have declared February 14 Violence Against Women's Day?

Will liberals try to replace it with United Nations birthday as they replaced Lincoln's and Washington's birthdays with Presidents Day?

Don't say you are liberal who celebrates these days. If so, you are a liberal that is a conservative on these issues because the above issues are what many liberals espouse as being consistent with liberal thought.




  1. There really is not response to a question that is this poorly formed and misguided.  Liberal Americans are still Americans they just seek equality and justice for all not the few. get over yourself

  2. In Spokane Washington an annual parade takes place where they denounce America, sit on a huge American flag and have a vegan picnic at the riverfront park where everybody is trying to enjoy the holiday.

  3. that's funny. republicans continue to support a president who has done more damage to our country and national honor than any president in history. they support his desicration of the economy, the murder of tens of thousands... their politicians continue to vote against measures for the care of veterans and their families and efforts to turn the economy around...  why would a group who hates america so much and has such loathing for our military accuse any other group of mourning the 4th of july?

    if you hate our country so much, why don't you move to north korea where you can live under a true dictator, not just a wann-be like bush.

  4. Your article is extremely biased against the left...and adds commentary, such as "he undoubtedly speaks for the vast amount of left-wing Christians". That is commentary and is in no way evidenced. B/C everything else on the site has to do with anti-democrat sentiment, the source is highly lacking in both intelligent journalism and credibility.

    The 4th celebrates our independence, so I will be boating and drinking and setting off fireworks.

    Columbus Day marks the day that Columbus landed somewhere other than the I have no reason to celebrate him, nor his barbaric practices against the Natives (the REAL discoverers of America) and against non-Christians.

    Merry Christmas is a religious term, Happy 4th of July is a non-religious we all celebrate the independence of America from British rule.

    A day of love is a perfect day, IMO, for us to recognize that not all women in this country are 'loved' appropriately. While I don't personally 'celebrate' Violence against women day' I think that there does need to be more of an effort to show these women and men that violence is not love and that there is another way, or a way out.

    I don't celebrate the United Nation's in any way.

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