
How many licks does it take??

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How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?




  1. The world may never know, but that won't keep people from asking apparently.

  2. It depends, but owls could do it 3 times, which would obviously make you sad because he tests your tootsie pop by chomping on it the 3rd time. I think 4630 would be reasonble.

  3. It depends what kind of tootsie pop....

  4. no joke, on the commercial the stupid owl just bit it. Tootsie pops arent real.  

  5. 40 licks! :D like Rolling Stones  xD

  6. 1

  7. For me, it is 253.

  8. 4,000

  9. "Lets find out. One.......Two......**MUNCH**"

    How long does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? the world may never know

  10. Haha!

    One friend of mine tried this in middle school as a project.

    And it varies from tongue type, to patience, to saliva content!


  11. Your question made me laugh. We actually did this as a science lab in one of my classes. For me it took 3149 licks. That was a lot of counting!

  12. how many hits does it take to get to the bottom of a blunt?!

  13. 5

  14. LOL so many friggin people have asked this is the last week

    its really not funny anymore

  15. it took me 1 month for this to be completed.

    and i did it 2 times so.

    it takes 3,728

    i may of misscounted so its around 4,000


  16. 3

  17. 20?

  18. 4672 i had a tootsie pop on a long car ride and me and my cousins put this to the test. we all counted how many licks it took me to get to the center and it took up and 1 1/2 hours. We made the car ride fun and learned a new fact!

    though it was one of those giggantic ones.... maybe 400 or 500 for a small one.

  19. the normal ones 444

    depends on the person

  20. the l**k counter that some person who has no life made.. only goes to 9,999 so hopefully no more than that.

  21. 382. Give or take a few.

  22. 3212

  23. 343 and 1/3

  24. 3,932

    i actually counted when i was in middle school for some science experiment or something. it took a week and my tongue was raw for another week.

    the sugar those things are made out of can be really sharp!

  25. 40 licks and 1 bite...but who actually licks... most people just suck it then bite it

  26. depends how old and wide the tootsie pop is. ?

  27. It takes three and then you get impatient and bite it and eat it.  

  28. 2843628

  29. as long you want

  30. Its different every time with me. I did it once with 947 then again with over a thousand. My tongue bled once so be careful lol.

    3 haha love it.

  31. I dont know

    why dont you go get one and find out instead of sitting asking everyone who comes your way

    im mean seriously

    you should be able to count

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