
How many lies, deflections, and points of hypocrisy have you heard from the Republicans and what were they?

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Don't shoot the messenger is the only person so far with any substance.




  1. I just turned the TV off when Lieberman was talking. What a twirp

  2. Well there was that one thing.Check out my reliable source.

  3. just about everything that came outy their mouths

  4. 30% of the count I've heard from Dems.

    Go easy on the Dems ... for a Dem is merely a Republican that hasn't been mugged yet.

  5. Not nearly as many as Obama tells every day

  6. when they attacked the daughter of a candidate for being a 17 year old unwed pregnant woman when their candidates mother was in the same boat( except his mother was knocked up by an already married man)

    Oh wait... Wrong party

  7. None, sorry.

  8. mediamatters . com   that's all they do, is debunk BS in politics.

  9. NO LIES , DEFLECTIONS OR HYPOCRISY...I WAS TOTALLY IMPRESSED !   go mccain 08  woo hoo ! we will win.

  10. greatest lie of all:  "brilliant vp choice"

    they back track faster than lance armstrong!

    obaden 08

  11. A liberal said that he was voting for McCain because Obama did not denounce the media for talking about Bristol pregnancy. And that was a lie because we all head Mr. Obama say that family were off limits on monday.

  12. About as many as the other side. They are the same.

  13. Zero

    number too high to put here from the other party though

  14. None, why?

  15. pretty much all the garbage that spews out of their mouths

    Obama 08

  16. I think a Republican did once say that he thought Obama was at least a good speaker that motivated his followers. Luckily I snatched away the Kool-aid before any permanent brain damage was done.

  17. I heard one Republican lie and say he was voting for Obama...and then we both laughed really hard, for a long time.

    I think I even slapped my knee, twice.

  18. I quit counting. Every time any politician speaks I immediately go deaf. They are all liars. There needs to be another revolution in this country. Our government no longer works for us. They are in it for themselves and it is becoming more evident every day. If you agree with me, feel free to e-mail me and maybe we can get this country back on track. There will be blood.

  19. about 50% less than what i have heard and seen from the democraps. Barack Hussein Obama is AT LEAST Obama's real name...what democraps are doing now is attacking a 17 year old kid to get to her mother, and stringing in video/sound bites to make a JOKING McCain look out of touch....REALITY is if you watched Saddleback Obama was the one uncomfortable and "out of touch"

  20. Easy--Sarah Palin, is a hypocrite if I ever saw one. She preaches family values, yet, pre-marital s*x is OK. She hates g**s, yet it's OK to have pre-marital s*x, also another sin. She condones teenage motherhood. These are values????? She doesn't believe in birth control and surprise, her young daughter is pregnant. See, how can a woman like this run our country?  Total hypocrisy.

  21. There are three biggies:

    1) The economy is the current fault of the Dem congress, even though it's been heading south for 5 years;

    2) Sure, they lied through their teeth about Iraq and starting that war not only wasted thousands of lives and squillions of dollars, but at least that guy with the mustache is gone;

    3) Everybody BUT Bush was responsible for the Federal emergency response post-Katrina.

  22. Lots.  While I think that most politicians are watered down versions of each other, the fiasco with Sarah Palin is the PERFECT example of the GOP's hypocrisy.  They deem democrats as immoral, and deem themselves with their conservatism and family values, yet they do (in the dark) what most people do.  Conservatism in this country is a joke.

  23. I love Laura Bush and cannot wait to hear what Sarah Palin has to say when it her turn to speak. I really think Fred Thompson was so great. He is the best speaker since Reagan. Just a great orator who has that common touch that Obama lacks.

    It is true that eloquent speech just doesn't compete with proven character and always stressing honor and love of country. No comparison there, like Fred Thompson pointed out.

  24. Oh, hello there!

    R2 has searched his memory banks and has found no recent bouts agianst earthling "Republicans" of any of the charges for which you accuse them.

    In fact, R2 notes that 99% percent of the earth time, "Republicans" display earth trait: "wisdom" in the face of earth trait: "ignorance" that is flaunted by the American Left

    I concur.

  25. I heard that John McCain is a war vet and former POW that spent almost 6 years in a foreign prison for his country.  Oh wait, that's true.  Umm...I also heard that Obama likes to surround himself with anti-Semitics, racists (Black Liberationists), people who hate our country, etc.  Wait, that's true too.  I think both sides have their lies (we ARE talking about politics here), but lets not pretend that the dems are sqeeky clean.

  26. The Republicans just say whatever they want not caring if they are facts or lies. They just keep pumping out BS until everyone starts to believe it. I just tune it all out, I assume it's lies and mute the commercials. I'm not spending the time to make a list for you, if you haven't heard any you must have your head up your ***.

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