
How many lies does it take for people to realize that Obama and Hillary are simply charlatans?

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If they are not lieing, then they are incredibly either stupid or deaf and blind.

Obama claims he never heard his pastor say anything against America or whites.

Hillary blamed the "Vast right wing conspacy" for saying that Bill was getting in the oval office. Turns out it wasn't the "vast right wing" . He WAS getting it. Was she judst stupid, or was she lieing? And how can anybody forget just where they were when they were getting shot at.

Me, I think I would remember pretty clearly where I was and what date it was when if I had to get off a plane under fire.




  1. They are politicians, you should expect dishonesty from them. They have a contest to see who is most likable, 'course they're gonna lie!

  2. The Democratic party has not been able to select a viable enough candidate to oust their "hated enemy" Republicans.  Most of the time, the voters will cast a ballot of their choice based upon who is the lesser of the two evils.  2008 presents us with a very unique situation.  Who is the lesser of the three evils?  Get ready for another four years of Republican government.  My feeling is that whoever gets the Democratic nomination, enough of the supporters and loyalists of the other will swing their vote to McCain .  John McCain will be our next president. These three candidates are all we have from which to chose, like it or not.


  4. Candidates are trusted by most of the people and it is the reason why they are getting the votes.

  5. I'm independent for Obama that is not what he said he specifically  said "those" therefore not caught there? As proof I'm independent I'll give an example of him almost lying ( still collecting facts may be a lie we'll see) He claims to be making a withdraw but seems to me he is just making a major reduction in presence? Hillary i don't need to touch. McCain though in "2000" I really liked him. However since his lost to George he has done 180 on a few issues it is as bad  as Hillary's.

  6. I am a republican conservative and I'll admit I was going to vote for ABC.  Anybody BUT Clinton... she's been president before.  You think she was only "First Lady"?!  If Bill gets in again I'll put down my head and cry.  It wasn't fun having to explain what oral s*x was to little kids that should be able to look up at their president.   Don't even get me started about what he should have done so we wouldn't have had a 9-11!

    As for Obama, he's ok but he's not honest about his pastor.  With a name like Barack Hussein Obama, it is understandable we find out he's not a radical Muslim.  Barack says he is a Christian, but that Pastor of his for 20 years!!  Wow. You have to know what the core values of your church are if you're there for a month, let alone for 20 years!  That pastor is so anti-American and full of hate against except black people that it's actually very sad to think that's where Obama chose to go get his spirtual soul fed.

    McCain looks like the best of the 3, and I respect his service to the country, his years as a POW (see his book made into a tv movie called "Faith of our Fathers" if you want to see how other countries torture American POWs) but I was hoping for a more conservative person.

  7. None.

    Just by running as a Democrat we should have already known that about them.

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