
How many liters of oil are there in a barrel?

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I am curious as i have read that coca cola is dear than petrol - gas in us of a




  1. 1 barrel = 117.347765 liters

  2. A drum contains 55 gallons. a barrel originally contained 40 gallons it now contains 42 gallons. A 55 gallon crude oil barrel only contains 42 gallons.Dont know wether this is US gallons or UK gallons ??? If its UK gallons there are 190.932 liters in a barrel. If it is US gallons there are 158.987 liters.

  3. 55 Gallons

    250.035053 litres

  4. 159 liters.

    A barrel of oil is 42 gallons, not 55. I believe this is a hold over from some of the first oil wells which used these smaller barrels to ship oil.

  5. 42 US gallons per standard barrel, 1 liter = 0.264172 US gallons.

    42 gallons/0.264172 = 158.98733 liters

  6. a little less then 4 litres in a gallon. A gallon is 4 quarts and a quart is 750mls or 3/4 of a litre

  7. Oil is measured in gallons not litres.

    42 gallons

    Oil to Gasoline HOW MANY GAL OF GAS DOES THAT EQUAL? ----------------- There are 42 gallons / barrel of crude oil. The conversion to gasoline depends upon several factors ...

  8. In India we have the standard of 205 litters.

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