
How many litres/gallons do two 1inch comets need?

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  1. In an average 10 gallon tank, if well cared for and not crowded, they can grow up to about 4 inches (10 cm), while in a larger uncrowded tank they can grow larger generally reaching about 7 or 8 inches (17.78 - 20.32 cm). If kept in a spacious pond they can reach over 12 inches (30+ cm).

    And just remember this rule for fish and tanks/ponds - !inch inch of Fish per 1Gallon of water aka- if you have 10 one inch fish, you need a 10 gallon tank. Or if you have two five inch fish, you need a 10 gallon tank.

    That has good Comet Goldfish Info

  2. 10 gal to get started, they need about 10 gal a fish when they get bigger. You will want to do a 30 to 50 percent water change every week or test your water once or twice a week. Goldfish are dirty little fish and mess their water up fast. Happy fish keeping.

  3. Comets need room.  Sure, while they are small they are great in a 10 Gallon per fish.  However, They do grow and get up to a foot long.

    I can tell you from experience, these fish will grow big...I have had two in the past, at different times,One who grew and fit the tank with no issues...but when I moved him to a bigger tank, he exploded double his size.  As he grew...I found him a home with someone who had Comets and the room to care for this one.

    I had another I rescued as a small fish and he ended up being 9 inches long before I adopted him out to a friend with a small pond.

    I would, at the least have a 50 Gallon Tank for the 2 you are thinking about...if not more.  They will thrive well in a big tank.  Make sure you have excellent filtration, for these fish are opportunitic feeders, eating everything they can fit into their mouths...thus more waste.  I would consider an undergravel filter system with a Cannister Filter System to compliment each other.

    UPDATE...One Strange Cookie has a great point.

    2nd UPDATE...use whatever you have, but have a great filtration system...that is probably one of the most important things with GOLDFISH of any type...besides space...but as a younger small fish...its ok briefly to be in a smaller tank.  Just consider, of the 2 Comets I have had, one grew big in about 4 months...the other in the smaller tank who was moved to the bigger tank where he exploded in size...did this in a matter of a couple of months after moved to the bigger tank.

    Best of Luck!

  4. they grow fast and in an inadequate tank, will be stunted in a matter of months.... just get a 100gallon tank from the start =]

  5. a 12 gallons 24X12X12 will be a good home for a moment just don't forget the filter.

  6. Well since they grow so fast, it is best to start out with the right sized tank of 50 gallons. If you really want to spend 300$ and them a year or less later spand another 400-500$ on a 50 gallon tank feel free, it is your money! Well, once grown they need 50 gallons for 2, but I guess 25 gallons would be ok for a year, but no more.

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