
How many litters does a car cooling system needs?

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i need to know how many litters of watter does it go to a VW polo classic 1.6 cooling system?




  1. just under 2 gallons.

  2. First, please don't use water except in an emergency.  It will rust your system and can't lubricate your water pump.  Using the proper coolant increases your temperature protection, makes leaks traceable by dying the spot where the leak is, and most important, lubricates your water pump! (which is expensive to replace if you don't take care of it.)  If you just have to top off your VW, a gallon of "prediluted" or "ready to use" is probably the way to go.

    You can buy a gallon of coolant that you mix 50-50, yielding 2 gallons of coolant, and add that to your system (a little messy), and you can also buy coolant "prediluted" or "ready-to-use," less messy but twice as expensive.  It's your ten dollars.  A gallon will get you started--it will probably be between 1-2 gallons.  Just store the rest for when you get low.  If you use the concentrate, get a milk jug and fill it half full of water, then fill it with coolant and pour it into the COLD radiator and, when that's full, close it tightly and pour the rest into the plastic reservoir marked "Coolant," or such, until it is up to the Cold mark.  (Coolant is poison, sweet and looks like Gatorade!  Don't store it in the milk jug!)  That will leave you the half-full gallon jug of coolant that you bought, which you can now fill with water to give you another gallon of 50-50 mixture that is ready to use or store in the properly labelled container.

    At many auto parts stores you can buy a Haynes do-it-yourself manual for your model car, with step-by-step instructions, fluid capacities (at the beginning of the "Maintenance" chapter, I think) and basic explanations at the beginning of each chapter. If it is not in stock, you can order it on line by searching on "auto repair manuals" on Yahoo search. In the front is a section on "Troubleshooting" that guides you step-by-step to find causes of most engine malfunctions based on the car's symptoms. Whether you do the work yourself or not, it helps you make informed decisions and not be taken advantage of, and to not feel so "in the dark."

    Also, many people recommend's free on line manuals.  Look under "Fluids" or "Fluid capacities," probably in the section on "Maintenance."

    Best regards,


  3. as many as it takes to fill the cooling system

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