
How many losses would USC have if they played in the SEC?

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my guess is 4! and by the way the last two national champions came from the DOMINANT SEC!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. I have to say 3:

  2. Everyteam in the SEC is better than every OTHER team in the PAC-10, besides USC.  I could easily see them losing 4 games if not more. But even their wins would be hard fought and that would throw of the precious BCS calculations about 'easy' wins....BCS needs to die.


  3. Since they began their little ride back to respectability in college football, they would have had

    2003-3 losses

    2004-1 loss

    2005-1 loss in the national title game

    2006-4 losses

    2007-4 losses

    They are lucky to be in a conference where every week they dont have to get up for the biggest game of the year.  

  4. Lmao this is why the SEC fans sould be banned from talking about football. How retarded and biased can you toothless hicks get? If Auburn, the team who got humbled by USC twice recently, could go undefeated in that conference then...

    LMAO...your Tennesse couldn't even hang with UCLA. Keep the Trojans outta your mouths.

  5. 0, YES ZERO.

    They are clearly better then every SEC team. Their D is dominant and the O Line and Running Backs are by far the best in the NCAA as a group.

    No one is the SEC compares.

    Maybe since the SEC is pretty tough they drop a game. Do not take the Pac Ten for granted. They are routinely underrated by a East Coast biased media and rarely seen on TV outside of USC games.

  6. I think Ole Miss, Vandy, and Kentucky would is obvious that USC has a negative chance winning any games in the SEC

    All SEC fans know that they could probably beat a team full of Brett Favre, h**l I would even go a step further and say a team full of the greatest team of NFL football players to ever play the USC stands a negative chance of even coming close to beating the worst team in the SEC

  7. 6- Georgia, LSU, Bama, Florida, Auburn, and the real USC The University of South Carolina

  8. 4 to 6

  9. Maybe, but I think that 4 is too many for this year's USC squad. If it were a different year, then maybe because USC still is reallly good. I think that this years Trojans team could probably lose 2 or 3. But you're right, if they were in the SEC they wouldn't be nearly as powerful as being in the PAC-10.

  10. they would be similiar to florida last year, 9-4

    maybe......just MAYBE 10-3.

  11. None, they are 3-0 against the SEC since 2000, twice beating division winners. They have the SEC figured out the same way the SEC has OSU figured out.

  12. none.. SEC over rated

  13. actually I can see them doing quite well people often forget how good USC is because of what conference they play in but however if they were in the SEC they would be in contention for the conference championship but they wouldn't go undefeated

  14. USC is my team but I live in GA now so I am also a SEC fan but they would still win their games. They would just be much closer and would love to see them play in more competitive games. It would give them a chance to see the real talent. Showing talent against a 3-7 team is BS, even in my opinion (although it's my team) and I prolly only feel this way because I watch the SEC so much.

    I honestly feel that they most likely would not go undefeated in a season but the only teams that could beat them are LSU and maybe UGA or FLA. UGA's defense would have to win and FLA's offense would have to beat them.

    Every SEC game has a chance of being an upset.

    That's why I am glad that USC is at least playing OSU this year so there is a matchup with a top 10 team. They will still be playing against some top 25 but it won't be considered difficult enough to be competitive

  15. 2 losses. 4 is a little much cuz USC is very good.

    But the SEC is the best conference in the land.

    They would lose to Georgia and Florida.

  16. You no clue about football do ya?

    Right now there the #1 team in the country ,That's all that matters !!

    The Pac 10 is 10-6 against the SEC. Maybe you should do your homework before you ask Questions!!

  17. 1-2 maybe three. USC is a good team, but their schedule (especially in the pac-10) was pretty easy. We will have to see how SC does week 3 against the Buckeyes. My prediction, 31-17 SC

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