
How many majors has phil mickleson won?

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How many majors has phil mickleson won?




  1. 3. The masters in 2004 and 2006, and PGA in 2005

  2. He has won 3, but blew the chances of winning more earlier in his career.

  3. Big Phil has won 3 majors.

    The US Masters on Two occasions (2004/2006)

    and the PGA Championship (2005)

    His nickname is "Lefty" due to playing left handed yet he is right handed in every other aspect of life.

    He has spent the most weeks in the Top 10 without actually becoming number 1 (500 weeks and counting) and the points between him (2) and Tiger (1) is bigger than between him and the player ranked 100!!

  4. Uhmm, you heard of Google?

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