
How many matches have been played by india in T-20? How many matches india won?

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Please don't answer for IPL t-20. The T-20 tournament in which India won and others.





  1. they have lost 2 matches

    1st by newzealand

    2nd by aus.

  2. 2 lost others win

  3. I missed the Q, sorry.

    India won the WC but lost to Aussies in Aust.

  4. well last year was the first 20 20 match between india vs australia in mumbai india won there has been only one

  5. India have so far played 10 Twenty/20 International matches (1 in 2006, 8 in 2007 and 1 in 2008).

    Out of these, India have won 6 matches lost 2 matches (1 each to New Zeland and New Zeland), 1 match was tied (against Pakistan) and there was no result in one match (agaoinst Scotland)

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