
How many mb is 5 gb?

by Guest33608  |  earlier

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How many mb is 5 gb?




  1. 1 GB = 1024 MB

    thus 5GB = 5120 MB

    :) :)

  2. Exactly, 1024 mb is equal 1gb.

    So 5120mb is right answer.

    But roughly, most people understand 1000 mb is equal 1 gb.


  3. 1024 MB = 1GB

    Therefore 5GB = 1024 * 5 = 5120MB

  4. Yes. 1 GB is 1024MB, so 5GB is 5120MB exactly..

  5. that is 5000mb

    1000mb = 1gb

    More tip here


  6. Technically, 5120 MB.  If you're talking about a hard drive (in this case, a pretty darned old hard drive), it may mean 5000 MB.

  7. Little bit more than one DVD qualities movie

  8. 5000 mb

  9. 5000

  10. 5120

  11. 5120MB


  12. 1024mb X 5

  13. 5*1024 mb

  14. A popular misconception:

    1mb is 1024kb but 1 gb is actually 1000mb therefore 5gb is 5000mb,

    Similarly tb = 1000 gb.

  15. 5120 those saying 5000 are dummies. but a 5gb hard drive is actually only 4768mb so figure that one out...actually 1gb=1024mb= 1024x1024kb = 1024x1024x1024bytes but for what ever reason when hard drive makers say 5 gb they round it meaning...5gb=1000mb=1million kb= 1 billion bytes but the way you computer sees it it would have to be ~1.073billion bytes to = 5gb

    Hopefully your understand whatever you needed to know now.

  16. As most people have said, 5120 megabytes.

    They people who said 5000mb obviously dont have a clue what they are talking about as 1gb is 1024mb
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