
How many mealworms can my rats eat per day?

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I have 2 rat girls and they LLOOOOOVVVEEE mealworms. This seems like a much better treat than the sugary ones, but how many can they have each day?




  1. If you buy it from a store that has it's own special brand and every thing. Check out the nutrition facts to see the amount. If that isn't excatly possible, then google it. I would do it for you now, but I'm in a rush. srry!

    Hope this helps!

  2. Since mealworms are very high in protein, you definitely don't want to overdo it. I would advise givng them two or three a day, but it may actually be better to skip a day between feeds. Too much protein in a rat's diet can cause skin probelms and sores to develop. Goodluck!

  3. they shouldn't be a daily treat at all. mine love 'em too. but i give them 2 mealworms each every two weeks. even that could be a lot. definitely cut down.

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