
How many medal winners trained in USA?

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For all the Medals that are won in the Olympics, how many of those medals were won by people training in United States facilities, using United States equipment. I'd like to know that medal count.




  1. Countless.

  2. I live in Colorado Springs and I know a lot of the athletes live and train at the Olympic training center here.

  3. Many many many... I think Christie Coventry (sp?) trained in New York... the Jamaican track team trained in USA (I think)

  4. Raider Fan is CORRECT!!! I'm an American, I've seen many athletes from the Caribbean nations training here, especially the Jamaicans, but I don't see ANY Chinese, Japanese, English, German, Spanish, French, Australian coming over here to train, they have adequate facilities in their own homeland.  Also to note, Kenyans and Ethiopians train alot here in the US as well.  I think it's great that we can allow other people in an unfortunate position to come over and train with the best.  Do you not wonder why the Americans and Jamaicans horseplay before and after each track event?  They've been racing each other for years now, they're all buddies....they don't see themselves as being from a different nation, the Jamaicans just aren't US citizens yet.  

  5. Jamaican track team trained in USA

    The Jamacian track team have decided to stay home and train at one of Jamaica's 2 main track clubs...MVP Track and High Performance Track clubs...and attend college in Jamaica.

    They have Jamaican coaches. Fraser and Simpson are from MVP and train with Stephen Francis, so is Asafa Powell, Michael Frater, Bridgett Foster- Hylton.

    Usain Bolt is trained by a Jamaican Coach at High Performance Track Club. Kerron Stewart, though she attends college in the USA is trained by a Bahamian.  

  6. Raider Fan needs to check some facts. I only looked at one SEC school and found an Australian swimmer (Matt Targett - one silver and one bronze) trained at Auburn (selected because I lived in Alabama before I moved to Saudi). If I can find an Austalian at the first school I looked for, I'll guarantee that there are a lot more out there.

    As an FYI, Auburn also trained medal winners from Brazil, Jamaica, Zimbabwe, Trinadad and the Bahamas. The Auburn trained, non-US athlete with the most medals was Kristy Coventry with four.

  7. Well I would say:







    All trained their athletes in their own country.  They are all countries with perfectly fine facilities.  

    Perhaps some of the small nations who win a couple medals here and there train in the USA, but 80% of the medals are won by countries who train their own athletes.

    EDIT: Not that I care, but why am I getting thumbs down for this post?  Are Americans that worried that other countries can train top athletes?  I don't know of any Australian athletes who were trained in the US.  I'm sorry to burst your bubble but my post was just facts.  I can't see how you Americans can get so upset over that though.

  8. wrong your eyes.but getting off the point here where was maria sharapova at in tennis?

  9. i dotn know the exact answer but it seems that a tn of the olympians attended american colleges, especially sec colleges like auburn and florida.  

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