
How many medals has britain won so far in the olympics??

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How many medals has britain won so far in the olympics??




  1. please don't tell me your another 'british citizen ranting on about their success at these games.

    British sports has gone through a long period of depression so I guess this is a sport in which the british can finally rant on for so long because its as rare a snail winning the 100m final.

    they have more gold than ever before. wow . let the world celebrate. The are still well behind the US and China and I bet Russia will surpass them by the end of the week.

    EDIT. TO Cloclocl...

    tHE UK is NOT on top as per capita population. source below.

    Even the NZ are ahead of them...well they are pretty good at sports for a small country pus Jaimaca.

  2. 40. 17 gold, 12 silver, 11 bronze

  3. probally none cause usa kicks *** in every sport

  4. Hey yeah well behind China and the USA but the Brits don't care about that because we have only a fraction of the population. Brits care about beating the French the Germans and the Aussies, but especially rubbing the noses of the French in it who are doing particularly poorly. Especially as we beat them to getting the 2012 games.

  5. 40 total.

    17 gold.

    12 silver.


    11 bronze.

  6. 17 Gold  12 Silver 11 Bronze

    total 40

    Check this out

  7. they have 40 i actually hope they make the top 2 GO BRITIAN

  8. The Brits likely have more medals per head in population than China and USA.

    Would have to wait till someone works it out for me after the olympics though :P

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