
How many medals have william and harry' earned' whilst they've been ''serving'in the army?

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How many medals have william and harry' earned' whilst they've been ''serving'in the army?




  1. A chestful I'm sure. Everythng from gallantry while drinking from a beer bong, to one I'm sure for good grooming.

  2. To the person who thinks Prince Philip got his medals for marrying well, you know nothing of history. Philip had a distinguished naval career and activity served during WWII. He earned medals the hard way: fighting for his country.

  3. There's a story that Prince Philip was at a dinner sitting next to a Brazilian General and said 'When did you get those medals?'

    'In the Second <world War'

    'I didn't know you were in it for that long!'

    The Brazilian muttered, 'At least I didn't get them for marrying my wife.'

    But to do him justice, Harry did want to serve in Iraq.

    What, the whole chestful he has, Brian?  I'm sure other officers with a similar career don't sport quite so many.

    And fair dos, joining the royals must be quite an undertaking.  Apparently he said 'They're treating me like a bloody amoeba!' when he was told the children wouldn't be taking his name.

  4. About the same number as the other people who they went through their courses with? Why, are you jealous that they will get something you have no intention of putting yourself out for ?

  5. I don't know,how many did you get?did you even join the armed forces?

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