
How many men does it take to change a light bulb?

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How many men does it take to change a light bulb?




  1. Even half a man could change a light bulb, woman on the other hand.... lets just say i wont tell you how many is needed.

  2. One.  Takes about 20 women though.  That's why the are payed less in the workplace.  Because it takes more of them to do a simple job.

  3. quite a few, a brai surgeon to tell em hoe to do it, a mechanic to put it in, another to s***w it in, and another to buy iy hahaha

  4. 3 men one to hold the light bulb in place and 2 to spin the chair

  5. Six.....

    One to change the bulb, one to fetch Her a drink, one to massage Her back/neck ,one to massage Her left foot, one to massage Her right foot and one to fan Her as She watches the bulb being changed.

  6. None really.  You can use a woman instead.

  7. One.

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