
How many men have Fordyce Spots on their p***s?

by  |  earlier

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Also, does this occur only in uncircumsized men?




  1. no answer mine;...

  2. what are fordyce spots, i might be stupid for askin but i dont really kno, ill probly be back if u say what it is

    edit: after looking on google, i dont have any

  3. they are normal, people get them in moist cavaties around the body , they are like little pimples, totaly harmless , nothing to do with bad hygene, you get them on the p***s around the head under the f******n and around the inside and in the corners of the lips(mouth) no need to treat them unless they are itchy. they are normal most men have them

  4. yeah i got them, apparently they go when u hit 21...

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