
How many men will be crying when Jessica Alba dies right now?

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How many men will be crying when Jessica Alba dies right now?




  1. id cry 4 dayd.shes gorgeous.

  2. i wouldn't...

  3. when she dies? are you stipulating anything?

  4. What is up with you and Jessica Abla dieing?

  5. and women!!

  6. i would be devastated for sure

    It would make me much more sad then hunger in Africa

  7. i dont know. how would i know?

  8. she isnt dying

  9. no one I hope. just another person

  10. why would she die? *i feel stupid asking this*

  11. I will be laughing and saying YeeHaaa another goes to h**l, thanks to me as I am the Devil.

  12. who?

  13. Well, NOT me, for sure!

  14. Why Jessica Alba?  No, wouldn't cry because I'm not infatuated with her, she's not all that to begin with, but why do you pick her of all people?  I don't WISH death on her, that's for sure.

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