
How many mexicans are in hear?

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how many mexicans are in hear?

do u like mexican people?

how mexican are you really are?

what part of mexico are you from?

do u like mexico moreor usa?




  1. I don´t know.


    More or less.

    Mexico City.


  2. =P im In Mexico =)

    1.I don't know how many mexicans like me are in here ( in this forum).

    2. Some, some  i don't, but as the 90% of the people that i know is mexican, well it is not that weird.

    3.How much ? well both of my parents are mexican so i guess i'm mexican 100%.

    4. Im from central Mexico i live in Guanajuato city, but my parents aren't from here =P.

    5. I have to say Mexico,c ause it's my country, even though there are some things that i definetly don't like, i have some american friends, and i think the US it's a fascinating country, but rather Mexico sorry =P.

  3. I am Mexican, from the state of Veracruz (living there). Of course I like Mexican people (with some exceptions).

    I am 100% Mexican. My grandparents were from Spain and one from Ireland, but  that is what being Mexican is all about, almost all of us are from mixed ethnicities.

    I love Mexico, it is my home, where my family is. Of course there are things that I don't like and would like to change.

    About the U.S., I like the country, nice place to visit on vacations.

  4. Estoy aqui.

    Si, por supuesto!

    Cincuenta por ciento mas o menos.

    Soy de Cordoba en Veracruz.

    Tengo gusto de ambos paises.(por diversas razones).

    Una correction paquena por favor:


    Lo siento,mi espanol es no perfecto,demasiada norte de la linea.

  5. Me

    Yes I like mexican people, I have to live among them....... of course I don't like EVERYONE but in general I do think we're kind and warm and hospitable.... and these are nice features in people, no matter where they are from (of course I've met wonderful ppl from other countries as well!).

    I'm from Mexico city and of course I like my country more than ANY other, especially the USA!

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