
How many mice can you put in this cage?

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we already have this cage and it is big! we were thinking about getting four. how many do u think?




  1. Definitely two. Remember mice can fight and you don't want that too happen.

  2. probly alot. I dont have mice but The floor isnt very good Im afraid that they might fall through the Cracks.

  3. First of all, are these little five-six week old mice? If so, I would return the cage you've bought already, and buy a 20 gallon aquarium with lid. Any cage with barred walls is a risk for losing your mice. They can flatten themselves to squeeze through the bars. They don't need to unlock the door to get out if there are bars. Also, the picture of that cage doesn't seem as big as you make it sound. That cage looks like it would suit two mice, maybe three at the most, but four, I would not agree with. A 20 gallon tank could fit three to four mice like you seem to be wanting. I assume that, cuz I have one half it's size, a ten gallon, and I got two mice per tank.

  4. No!!!! Do NOT use this cage for any pet!!!!! It has wire flooring, and this can cause heath problems, which will mean a BIG vet bill!!!!!!!!!! Plus, your mice can get out of this cage because the space between the bars is to much!!!!!!! (I learned this the hard way) Do NOT get this cage!!!!!! Please!You will seriously regret it!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Instead,  get an aquarium, A ten gallon one, and this will house 2-3 mice.

  5. what are the dimensions of the cage and are the mice going to be male or female?

    by looking at the picture, probably up to 3 females could fit comfortably in there but i wouldnt be too sure.

    seeing as the bars are only a quarter inch apart, i dont think any would be able to escape.

    and the wheel has plastic spokes which a mouse could get their tail caught in. you can use duct tape and just stick it over the spokes so they cant get caught.

    it wont really matter if the levels are wire, that problem can be fixd easily. you can either get some fleece or towels and just wrap it around, so when you clean the cage you can just chuck them in the wash. or you can use duct tape and stick it all on the bottom of the wire. then on the top where they walk on, stick lots of bedding there.

  6. You could fit 10 mice in there and they'd be comfortable. Four is definitely fine. I have two rats in a cage about that size and it could fit 4-5 more easily.

  7. I wouldn't get that cage.

    It looks like the doors slide open and contrary to popular belief, a mouse is very very smart.

    You can buy an aquarium if you don't live in an extreme climate that'll house maybe four or five mice at most. It keeps the draft out, but requires more cleaning.

    Look for a wire cage without a sliding door.

  8. only around 2 mice may fit in there, maybe. they need personal space! I had around 6 baby mice in one of those maybe for a week while we were finding homes for them. Even if they were small it was cramped. I suggest you get a bigger cage!

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