
How many middle names should be used?

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How many middle names do you think are acceptable?

How many spaces do forms usually give for extra middle name initials?

Is having many middle names something associated with either royals or people who can't make up their mind? Or is it something typical in non-English speaking countries?

Is it okay to give one child two middle names, but give another child no middle name? Does there have to be any balance?




  1. i would say one middle name is good unless there is significance.  if you want to name a child after someone make their middle name that.

    usually one middle initial is given on forms.  

    i dont think people just give middle names because they cant make up their mind about their real names

    in other countries the last name of the mother and father are used sometimes so thats where you get those really long hyfinated names from

    i dont think any balance is needed

    wow that was a lot of answers to a lot of questions haha hope it helped  

  2. 2 is enough. Anymore than that is lame and stupid.  

  3. I believe that it is your child you can do what you want.  However standard forms only have enough space for one middle name.  S

  4. Think of the child and just use one. The child will be special no matter how you hammer the name you give.

  5. personally i think one or two middle names is okay.  i kid you not my newborn cousins name is Anna Leah Ruth Viola *last name* and her brothers name is Luke Henry Franco *last name* i think anna's name is a little on the long side.  i think more than two middle names sounds like people that cant make up their mind.

  6. I have two middle names, and so does my daughter. They only allow one space for middle initials.

  7. Most people give their child 2 middle names, [ to be named after a grandfather/grandmother,aunts/uncles,bro... you can give your child as many as you would like to, I myself gave my last son (2) middle names, [for 2 reasons1. he was my last child and I used Louis +Allen [, Louis is my  AA dad(sponser), and Allen was my father's name],2.)I figured if the Canadians could do it why couldn't I?My son's complete name is:Jonathan Louis Allen, so see you can give your child however many you want to give,hope this helped you!You are special whether you have a middle name or not!

  8. One or Two.

  9. My daughter has 5 middle names, although we had to drop it down to 2 for some of her official documents.  Lots of family members wanted to name her, and she also took my maiden name as her last middle name.  I think it will be nice to tell her which of her names came from who, and what they  mean.

    I don't think it matters if one of your kid has them and another doesn't.  

  10. No middle name is okay, but trust me, sometimes it makes the kid feel left out when their friends have cool middle names and they don't. Some kids end up making up a middle name for themselves.

    One middle name is perfect.

    Two middle names drags out the name a little, unless it's a chinese name like See Yan or something.

    Three is just ridiculous. Do you want your kid to be friggin' Pippi Longstocking?!

  11. your children might get jealous if you give one two and the other none and there is usually only one space for middle names.

  12. My oldest son has one middle name. My youngest son and daughter have 2 middle names. it is up to the parents. Good luck and Congrats

  13. I think 2 should be the max.

    I only ever remember seeing 1 extra blank.

    I usually guess that people couldn't make up their minds.

    I would do the same for both.

  14. i think two is good and multiple middle names aren't bad as long as they have some kind of meaning to you

  15. i think 0,1,2,or 3 are usually acceptable.i think it sound very elegant&formal (in a good way!). just dont give one child all the family names (dad's name, moms maiden name, etc.) and give the other child nothing at all!

  16. well i have 2 middle names. my brother only has one. i think that middle names have no limits  

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