
How many miles does 1 gallon of fuel gas give you?

by  |  earlier

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I'm just curious.. I have a Toyota Sequoia.. and I'm wondering lols.




  1. 26,000 at least (when dropped from the top of mount everest :] )

  2. That depend on your car's mileage per gallon.

    If you car gets you 12 miles to the gallon, each gallon of gas you buy, gets up 12 miles, which I hope you car get more than THAT. LOL.


    Your cars OWNER guide should let you know what amount it

    Your dealership should have that info.

    If I was just to GUESS....between 25-35 .

  3. 70, I have a moped.

  4. When was the last time you checked the MPG on your car? It depends on the car, the load, the terrain and your driving habits. If you don't compute the MPG on your car then when something happens and it starts using more gas than normal you'll go along fat, dumb and happy paying for wasted gas.

  5. 27

  6. 15

  7. 30

  8. 17 miles

  9. depends on highway or just the normal road.

    probably 20-35 if made within 5yrs

    like 10yrs ago


  10. my truck is 14

  11. 2006 Acura TSX.  25 a gallon.

  12. Good question.....especially right now!!!  Toyota's are GREAT.  The BEST car we ever had was a smile!!  NOW we have what we call "our little roller skate" and it's  a Huyandai Accent -- it's CUTE - ha ha....and we probably get (in town) about 35 mpg.....I LAUGH AT SUVs....LOLLL

  13. get a motorcycle....most get around 45-50 miles a gallon

  14. i made my own car with the help of 4 other people it took us 3 1/2 year

    at my collage and i get 1 gallon to go for about 500 miles 1 person ride

  15. 35 i drive a chevy malibu 04

  16. 2004 F150

    10  miles city

    20 miles Freeway (on cruise control)

  17. Yeah "ONE", Toyota can kiss my u know what,lol

  18. i get about 15

  19. 1 mile

  20. Average is 29 miles ( better during summer months, worse during the winter )

  21. 37 mpg

    2006 Honda Civic

  22. Gasoline makes me nauseous.

  23. 28-35 mpg in my little blue Saturn SC2.

  24. 1 mi

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