
How many miles does a mustang last?

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How many miles does a mustang last?




  1. depends on what you do to it. mine's up to 254,000 miles

  2. Depends how well it is cared for.  A very well cared for one will easily go 250K miles.  A poorly maintained one will not last to 100K miles.

  3. I suppose the question should really read "...can a Mustang last?". You could total it your first night out! If you re-phrased your answer you'd get different and better answers. As it is, one would assume you are speaking of brand new 2008 models. The bad news is Ford's modular 4.6 and 5.4 V8's are a mechanic's nightmare. If and when things go wrong, it's going to cost you a boat load!! The new 4.0 six cylinder is too new to really have any honest concept of longevity. People who tell you differently are kids who have never really been inside an engine. I like the has a lot of power and appears to be easier to work on then the modular pos V8's.

  4. Under normal conditions, I would guess 150-200,000 miles before major work. It depends on maintainance and driver abuse.

  5. My mom's went to 200k.

    :] I'm thinking it can go to 120-250k...

  6. To be Really Honest I have an friend Whom has an 1983 5.0 GT has over 300,000 miles and still Runs Great! answer your Question!

  7. well i have few friends who have mustangsrange 2000-2003 and they are all above 120000 and they r running too good to be true well i heard that mostly all the car goes above 150000 easily but some people change things in it like the timing belt spark plugs and waterpump might cost up to $1200 and it can go for 100000miles more easily might have to do reapirs hair n there if the car ondition is bad or you hear some noises much likely to change battery, air filter starter some of the have to work on it

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