
How many miles (each way) do you drive for work each day?

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I just moved to Dallas, and it looks like I will be driving 22 miles one way to work from where I live. I've mentioned this to people and they don't seem to blink about it here. I moved from another big city but never drove this much one way. Just got me wondering about other peoples daily drives. Please state how many miles you drive each way and if possible the city (or nearest big city) you live. Thanks!




  1. carpool with 4 other guys. we commute approximately 55 miles one way, 5 days a week. Auburn,AL to Montgomery,AL.

  2. the bottom line is people dont really care about milage to work. i drive 30 miles each way and though gas is high, my family has a better life outside of the city.

  3. i drive about 64 miles a day round trip (i'm only 17)

  4. I only go 10 miles each way. I live right out side of Boston.

  5. about 1 1/2.  lol Im 16 and i work at a Chinese food restaurant

  6. I bike (or bus, in the winter) 3 miles each way across town in Missoula, MT.

    I used to live in San Diego, CA. It wasn't unusual to drive 35 miles each way to work.

  7. Los Angeles.

    About 1 mile or less.

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