
How many miles into mexico does a regular car insurance cover?

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i plan on traveling down there but am not sure if my insurance will cover me or if i should buy an extra one.




  1. usually it's 12miles in. but you still need mexican insurance b/c MEXICO DOESN'T accept your US insurance as proof. They require the mexican insurance and will not honor your id card. sorry. they want/need your money. just buy the mexican insurance at the border. it's usually pretty cheap.

    Also, a good resource is...

    Best of luck to you.

  2. ZERO, you have to buy Mexican underwritten insurance to cover your butt if you are driving into Mexico. On the other hand, if you were to hike over the border into the US and steal a car and then drive the stolen car without insurance and then crash head on into a mini van carrying a family of 6 and kill them all, you could expect to have your hand held and be sent back to Mexico with a note telling your mommy that you were bad and never do that again.

  3. So,a few of things you are supposed to think.I have had good experience here.......

  4. US insurance companies stop at the boarder.  Stop at the boarder and purchase Mexican Insurance you will then be covered.  Good Luck

  5. Zero.

    You need to purchase a specific policy for driving in Mexico.

  6. On the standard policy, the second you cross the border, you aren't covered.

    And if your policy has a Mexico endorsement on it, just because YOUR policy will cover you there (for liability, not for theft of the car), doesn't mean Mexico will ACCEPT your policy as coverage.

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