
How many miles per gallon of gas does a 2001 chevrolet impala LS get?

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im between a 2001 chevrolet impala and a 2003 chevrolet malibu




  1. 32 mile per gallon

  2. The impala comes with a 3.8l or a 3.4l what engine?

    The Malibu comes with 3.4l or 2.4l what engine?

  3. Wow, heads you lose, tails you lose.  Seriously go to for your answer.

  4. your impala should get between 18 and 24 sometime a bit more if you have the 3,8 motor. depending on the load--people,shopping bags etc..-- and the condition of the car and you driving style it could be either better or worse. the malibu is 18 to 26 roughly.. my friend has an impala with a 3,8 in it and he averages arounf 24 . mostly onthe freeway and very little city driving.. its all in your foot !!  good luck  

  5. enough

    my dads truck gets 15, and my freinds dads truck gets worse millage than a school bus

  6. It depends on the size of your engine and it depends if your tires are properly inflated, plus is your engine tuned up?

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