
How many miles per hour can a racehorse go?

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How many miles per hour can a racehorse go?




  1. almost 40 mph

  2. Well a good question and once again the answers seem to be for comic relief because to be so inaccurate, it must be a f***ing joke.

    Come on people even in an election year, do the MATH and thats all it is just plain simple math.

    remember that 60mph equals 1 mile in 1 minute. always has , and always will.... the formula is t/ time divided by d /distance equal s /speed.

    now despite their dreams of speed the very fastest ANY AQUA horse has ever ran was by the horse " NO SECRETS HERE " who completed his race of a quarter mile in 20.886 seconds and that is just over 39 miles per hour. face up to the facts folks with your AQUA pedigree horses, which I sometimes think stands for alpo quality hangin around, the only way your horses do your imagined speed of 45 to 50 mph plus is in the horse trailer behind the truck going home. and it is such a big deal to go 2 furlongs wow, 880 feet twice or 1320 feet.

    As for the T-breds who have a belief that their horses are all oh so superior to other breeds, times for t breds are not moving forward, t breds get up to top end and then get progressively slower.Even the best of the breed the great Secretariat in his immortal Belmont victory ran 36 mph.

    again the proof is t 144 second (2:24) to go 7920 feet (1 and 1/2 mile) is 36 mph each half mile was 48 seconds again 36 mph now admittedly t bred and aqha horses  may go faster for an eighth or a sixteenth of a mile, as do also pacers and some trotters of the standardbred, whos records keep getting faster, but do to the sulky and driver have or are approaching their limits and will top out with miles in the 1:42 to 1:43 range.

    with the current record being 1:46.2.

    finally (yes i know this is a long answer, but i used small words and spoke no faster than people can read i hope.) is a speed chart based upon quarter mile distances

    30 seconds /1320 feet = 30 mph

    29 seconds /1320 feet = 31 mph

    28 seconds = 32 mph

    27 seconds = 33 mph

    26 seconds =  34mph

    25 seconds = 35mph

    24 seconds = 36 mph

    23 seconds = 37 mph

    22 seconds = 38mph

    21 seconds = 39 mph

    20 seconds = 40mph

    i hope you have an answer that is correct and amuses you.

  3. 40 plus

  4. any where from 30  to 40 miles Not a hour thro

      But it's hard to tell really because no one in the right mind would run one full bore for a hour !!

    so we have to estimate it per mile  But not by hour !!

  5. Harness horses go about 30 mph.

    T-breds go 35-40 mph

    Quarter horses go 45+ mph

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