
How many miles will a GPS track someone and does it work in water?

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  1. A) It works under water.

    B) Around the globe

  2. In my experience,portable GPS devices eat batteries..but so long as there was extra  power you're good...In a properly sealed waterproof case,it might function on the surface,but GPS won't work underwater..

    I just wanted to say,This stunt was a Dumb idea the first time around!

  3. GPS works via message signals from satellites.  It requires contact with 4 GPS satellites to determine latitude, longitude and altitude.  Assuming he has a clear shot at these satellites and his device isn't broken or out, out of power or ruined by water then he should be fine.

  4. Heh!!  Well if we can't have a flying nun, at least we can have a floating priest!

    His GPS will work as long as he has satellite contact, which should not be a problem. However his GPS won't help him too much since he would be totally subject to the prevailing winds and would have very little control over where he floated. But he did have a satellite phone, and the fact that they have not heard from him is a little worrying. If he splashed down and got his gear wet, maybe that's what happened. Hope they find him.

  5. As long his power lasts, he'll know where he is; GPS is routinely used for transcontinental nav.  Of course, if he's relying on a single pair of AAA's, he's probably toast.   It'll work around the world - he'd be able to read his coords to the SAR teams IF he's conscious (and clueful), his sat phone works, and his GPS is still powered.

    There are a number of waterproof (IPX7) GPSes on the market.    They don't work _under_ solid water as the high frequency signals used to carry the sat data would be absorbed by the water.

    Of course, if his GPS is under water, he presumably has other more pressing concerns...

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