
How many miles would i have to run in order to lose 10pounds in a month?

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How many miles would i have to run in order to lose 10pounds in a month?




  1. Four miles... between three to four (basically an hour everyday) then you're good to go!

  2.'re going to have to run many miles and not eat fatty foods.  

  3. This all depends on how fast you run, up/down hill, what your heart rate is when you run, your caloric intake, etc.  Running wont do it.  You need a balance of weights, cardio, and diet. There is no easy answer.  

  4. You have to do more than running. You have to watch what you eat. Soft drinks has tons of sugar, drink water. Buy 1% fat milk or slim milk. If you are old enough to drink, cut out the beer or lower your intake. Mixed drinks will add to weight. Lay off bread. Maybe a small piece will be find, no snacking except for fresh fruit or veggies (no dips). Hope this will help you.

  5. It would depend ENTIRELY on how much you ate.

    To lose one pound, you need to achieve a calorie deficit of 3500. Most people suggest a deficit of 500/day to achieve 3500/week so a pound a week of weight loss, which should be a healthy rate to lose weight.

    If you currently eat 2000 calories a day and you want to cut 500 calories from that, you could probably run about 5 miles. However, 5 miles a day is a lot to run. You could also eat less but if you are exercising heavily, it's not good to cut your calories too drastically.

    Also, the number of calories you burn while exercising (running or anything else) depends on a lot of other factors such as resting heart rate, heart rate during the activity, current weight, lean body mass ... there is probably more to it.

    So it is kind of hard to just say, You need to run 350 miles in a month to lose 10 pounds. And that is unreasonable anyway.

    Why not just start slowly and increase your distance as you get in better shape? (I'm assuming you aren't a runner already or you wouldn't have phrased the question this way). Concentrate on eating clean - healthy, whole grains, veggies and fruits, lean proteins - cut out sugar, soda, processed foods and fatty foods - and you will see results.

    Good luck!

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