
How many milligrams of benadryl should I give my dog for allergies?

by  |  earlier

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Hes an 80 pound male boxer and hes got terrible allergies, he has skin problems, ear infection and swollen feet from allergies, we went to the vet today and she told me to use benadryl, I just dont know how much to give him!




  1. 5-6 milligrams per 5 pounds every 6 hours.

    *Regular Benedryl.*

  2. Usually for a small dog, half a tablet of baby benadryl works well. If he's 80 lbs, I would go with 1/2 a tablet of adult benadryl and see how that works.

    Hope this helps!

  3. one half of a pill

  4. please call your vet and ask them. they should have put it on your paperwork. there are too many dangers in not giving the proper dosage of medication. It depends on the size of the dog, breed of dog and what other medications the dog is taking.

  5. Call the vet back. This is the only way to be sure.

    The answers from here are sometimes horrible.  And there are people on here who purposefully give the wrong answers just to s***w with people.  

    Added: "The vet office is closed now til Tuesday, I just called"

    Then call another vet and explain the situation.

    Or, call a 24 hour vet and explain the situation.

  6. You should phone the vet and get the exact amounts.

    I'm surprised they didn't prescribe antihistamines, that what my Lab gets for her allergies.


  8. Just call your vet and ask them! If they told you once. They can tell ya again!

  9. benadryl is a human med! dont use it on dogs

  10. Phone the vet and ask, please.  Since they saw him today, I am sure they just forgot to give you the proper dosage and would be happy to do so over the phone.  All drugs can be dangerous in improper amounts, please don't take some stranger's word for this.  

  11. That is a question best answered by your vet - if you went today call them up and just ask...they'll be happy to tell you over the phone...

    You don't want to over dose...or under dose your dog.

    I hope he's feeling better soon...allergies are horrible!

  12. Call the vet and ask what dose to give. This is the safest way to figure out the dosage

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