
How many minor cautions can you get away with?

by  |  earlier

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beore you start doing some real jail time




  1. You should get one caution, one chance or else. If you give someone more chances, they will not see this as a real threat to their freedom and continue to commit crimes

  2. depending how far off the rails you seem to be going,also how your attitude is in general,how you are with your peers,they are all taken into consideration,your background etc,family life,how many chances you have been given,how well you handled those chances,because you may not think it,but that is what they are,then one day when you least expect it,those are taken away from you,and you don't get any more,or if you do you are fortunate,you could end up in the system for a very long time,without finding your way for a very long time,and it can happen in the blink of an eye,so think of the word caution,because when that's gone,peAce,

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