
How many minutes, hours, days until swearing in of Obama next year?

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I don't know if I can make it.... I'm growing weaker and weaker by the hour....




  1. However anyone answers it would be out of date within minutes!!

  2. about 5 min after h**l freezes over

  3. You're in for a long wait...It ain't never gonna happen!

  4. The loser dosen't get sworn in.  So I would say no hours.

  5. I don't know because I pray daily that he doesn't win the office. I want my son to KNOW that he helped WIN the war in Iraq.

    Another Mother living as I do wrote this!!

    Today as I sit here in my empty home the silence is deafening. The other boys left for school earlier and this is the time of day when I sit down and type away in my journal and for our blog. It is also the time of day when my oldest and I would touch base and chat.

    Today like everyday since January 3, there is no one here to chat with. No one to tell me about the grand plans for his life or to crack a joke that brings me to my knees with laughter, and no one to tease me about my attire. No one to ask me for a favor or complain about the dinner selection, but most of all there is no one to tell me “I love you Big Mama” as he walks out the door. Unless you have ever placed your baby in harm’s way, you can never begin to understand the pain the surrounds a mother’s heart when you send your baby off to war.

    War is ugly, painful and difficult for those directly affected by it. No soldier wants war. It was General Douglas MacArthur who said it best: "The Soldier above all others prays for peace, for he must suffer and bear the deepest scars of war." No Mother or Father wants war, especially for our children. We spend years protecting, guiding and loving our children with a desire for them to have a bright, loving and peaceful life. We military parents serve in silence with our children, standing quietly in the shadows of their world.

    War is something that the human race has been dealing with for many years. I was a child during the Vietnam War, but I still have memories of it. Images of news footage roll through my mind. I remember watching the TV as soldiers were being filmed riding on the back of a truck, waving to the camera while they headed off to some remote area. I remember the words of a soldier, waving and saying "Hi Mom." As a child, I thought nothing of the importance of those simple words, but as a Mother I cherish them.

    Like any Mom, those childhood memories have stayed with me. As a Military Mom, at times those memories haunt me. Today, I find myself hanging on to my computer instead of the news channel. My computer is the first thing I look at when I roll out of bed and the last thing I view before I go to sleep. Why? I’m looking for the Hi Mom. I just want two little words, to know that my baby is okay. No one will understand the importance of those two little words to a Military Mom. Sure, we would love to get a full detail of the day’s events from our babies, but in reality there are days when it would be more than we as mothers could bear to hear. For now I am grateful for a “Hi Mom. I’m OK. I miss you and love you! Love, Your Boy."

    Just precious words to any Military Mother!

  6. Think if Bush and his cronies can kill 3000 american citizens and millions of Iraqies and get away with it what chance do you think Obama has of winning or even living to see the inside of the Oval office?

  7. What on earth makes you people think anything will change if Obama gets in?  My goodness, Cinthia McKinney would make a far better President than another 'New World Order' creep.

  8. that's not bush fatigue, its called obama teen crush can easily be taken care of by tuning out obama...waiting for him to be president will just make it worse along with your life...

  9. hey, don't ever come crying back to Y/A when your messiah screws this country to a fare-thee-well. You'll really be counting time then!

  10. And you seem to lack basic math skills. Think you are ill now, just wait until then!

    Edited to add: Snarky question, snarky answer. Sorry, I thought this question was a joke.

  11. He needs to be elected first.

    Not saying I'm voting for any of the other candidates, but he does need to be elected first.

  12. He won't be sworn into his senate seat again for another couple years... I'm sure Illinois can wait...

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