
How many minutes are there in one hour on Mars?

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How many minutes are there in one hour on Mars?




  1. 60... The NASA scientist monitering Spirit and Oppurtunity have second watches that have 24 hours, 60 minutes, and 60 seconds only every day hour and second is 2.7% longer.


  3. A typical day on Mars is .... 24hours  37min.

    If you turn that into minutes...  24hours and 37 minutes = 1440min +37min = 1477 minutes total....

    So a typical earth hour is 60 minutes...

    So if you divide a martian day in minutes by 24 hours you will get the amount of minutes in a typical Martian hour...

       1477 divided by 24 hours....  61.541 minutes

  4. nearly identical to the hours/minutes on earth... there's about 30mins-1 hour more on mars then earth....

  5. Define what is an hour in Mars?

  6. An hour on Mars has 60, 60 second minutes just like on Earth. If you think about it, measurements of time are rather arbitrary and far from perfect. For example, a year on Earth is measured in 365, 24 hour periods, even thought it takes the Earth 365.25 days to orbit the Sun (Hence the extra day for leap year to keep things strait).

    Our current means of keeping time have more of a historical then scientific basis. A year is fairly simple, the time it takes the stars to complete one circuit around the night sky (as seen from Earth). Days are a little more complex since it rises and sets at different times throughout the year due to the Earth's tilt. These days are divided in 24 hour increments of 60 minutes each and so on. There is no reason that a day couldn't have been divided into some other units.

    Using these standards. A year on Mars is 686.98 days, and each day is 24 hours, 37 minutes long (called a Sol). As we visit other planets some other means of measuring time may very well be developed. However human biorhythms are accustom to our standard 24 hour day. As it stands right now, there are 60 minutes in an hour no matter if your on Earth, Mars, or drifting out beyond the Kuiper Belt.

  7. Actually, the minutes and hours are "on" Earth.  The time system used by project controllers on Earth, when they plan things for Mars orbiters and  landers, is 1 "sol" = 24 Mars hours, 1 hour = 60 minutes, 1 minute = 60 seconds.

    But a Mars second is 1.027346 earth seconds, so a Mars minute is 1.027346 earth minutes, a Mars hour is 1.027346 earth hours, and a Mars "sol" or day is 1.027346 earth days.   A Mars sol is the time from one noon to the next, averaged over a Mars year.

    The general idea is to keep 6 am = dawn, 12:00 = noon, and 6 pm = sunset, plus or minus 40 or 50 minutes in winter and summer.

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