
How many minutes are you actually driving for on your test and how is it broken down, eg, fast roads etc?

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Hi, I have my test on Thursday and noticed it said the test would last 35 to 40 minutes. Is the show me tell me part included in this time? And how is it broken up, eg how much time is allocated for maneouvres, fast roads, town driving etc?




  1. Depends where you live but in most states the driving will last between 15 to 20 minutes long.........................

  2. I live in Alberta Canada. Road tests (for new drivers) here are booked every 30 minutes. During the first five minutes of your road test, the examiner will ask you to  show your Learner's Licence, sign the road test sheet, then take you to your vehicle (which you have to provide), and ask you to start the vehicle and will then ask you to put on your front left and right signal lights then your rear signal lights, and brake lights to prove they are all in working order. They will also check your licence plate for a current year's sticker. You must provide a vehicle which is in good mechanical condition.

    Once inside the vehicle, the examiner will then ask you to show them where the hazard light switch is (emergency flashers), when you would use them, where the emergency brake is located, how you know it's "on", to turn on the windshield wipers to prove they are functional, and might ask you what one of the gauges is on your instrument panel (i.e. speedometer, tachometer, fuel gauge, radiator temperature).

    You will then be asked to do a 20 minute drive, making several right and left turns, lane changes, driving through playground and school zones, turning at traffic lights, and driving in both residential and commercial areas.During this time, the examiner is observing your decision-making and judgement skills as well as your scanning, mirror checks, and ability to handle a vehicle in both low and higher traffic situations. This is a beginner test, so they don't expect you to be perfect.There is room for small errors and you are allowed to make a few minor mistakes. You will fail your test though if you do anything illegal or dangerous while you drive. You will also be asked, depending on where you live, to do an uphill or downhill park, a parallel park, perhaps a three point turn. All of this driving portion of the test takes about 20 minutes, and then you get a 5 minute breakdown report on how  you did, and whether you pass or have to return for another test (deferred success!). So, in total, the test is about 30 minutes.

    If you have Graduated Licencing where you live, the portion is for the first part of  your licence. You the have the privilege of driving on your own, but usually have fewer merit points (here it's 8) to lose.You are also on a "probationary licence" which means the authorities are monitoring your driving. After two years of driving with this licence, and still in good standing, you will receive a letter in the mail giving you the option of taking an "exit test", which consists of a one hour test, which reviews all of your driving skills plus a highway drive (merging and exiting on and off a high speed roadway). Once you have passed this test, you then have 15 merit points and are considered "experienced", and are treated the same as the rest of us with a lot of "experience". Usually you won't have to do the same manoeuvers (parallel parking, hill parking, three point turn), but might have to do a perpendicular parking (parking lot type between lines), and/or an angle parking manoeuver.

    I hope this helps. You might also ask to speak to a driving examiner where you live to find out such details, so that you can be prepared. Oh, and don't forget to BREATHE during your test.

    "luck is when preparation meets opportunity", so I wish you good "luck".

  3. where i live dmv have there own courses where you can get tested it took me about 15min.

  4. If you have a basic skills test for parking, turning around, braking - things like that - this portion takes about 10-15 minutes depending on how good you are at doing them...The road test portion (which can include highway as well as street driving) will take about 15-20 mins depending on traffic conditions...I hope you had a chance to follow a road test in progress to see where it goes...This way there are not too many surprises when its your turn.

    All the best.

  5. does it really matter If your ready for the test. or would you say to the tester you had me 8 minutes in town driving and yahoo answers said it should be only 6 .

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