
How many minutes flight from tacloban to manila?

by Guest64454  |  earlier

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How many minutes flight from tacloban to manila?




  1. I have travelled Tacloban to Manila many times too. The trip is about an hour. However, that is flight time only. That doesn't include waiting time. One time I travelled on the same plane as the Bishop of Palo. Apparently, we weren't allowed to board before the Bishop. He kept us waiting for about 30 minutes before being driven in a private car to the plane.

    These airlines fly from Tacloban

    Although where I travel to on Leyte is only about 2 hours from Tacloban, I would much rather travel via Cebu City.  If Tacloban is not your final destination on Leyte, you may want to consider flying to Cebu too.

    If you would like to discuss other options for Leyte, write to me at

    Regards: Jim Sibbick

  2. 45-50 mins.

    I always travel on that route. But when Ormoc airport opens then I may never have to pass by Tacloban again =)

  3. Takes a little less than an hour.  I've made that trip several times

  4. 45 min..

  5. 90 minutes.

  6. Less than an hour. I only recently visited Tacloban (on way to Eastern Samar). I flew Cebu Pacific going there, and PAL going back to Manila a week later. Air travel in both instances was less than an hour.

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