
How many minutes per lb. should I simmer my pot roast?

by  |  earlier

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I do not put my pot roast in oven, I like it simmered on the stove. Just want to make sure how many minutes per hr. to simmer it for? I thought if it becomes overcooked it becomes tough.




  1. Brisket is best simmered very slowly for a good twenty minutes a pound and thirty over. Remember to brown the surfaces to seal with mixed oil and butter; not a lot. Put into the pot after removing the browned brisket, scraped whole carrots, a halved leek ,chunks of turnip, parsnip, a large quartered onion; the root vegetables ,and the onion give body to the stock, and sweetness to all. You can remove them when they,re pulpy and addd them to soups, or liquidize for toddlers. Oh, almost forgot. Timings from when you bring it through the boil, and reduce.. Thinking about pot roast brisket is making me drool  

  2. I would allow 30 minutes per lb and turn it regularly, on a gentle simmer.

  3. Pot Roast is usually a cut of beef NOT for rare or medium cooking. It takes a lot of time to make it tender. If it is simmered on the stove top, make sure you cover the roast with your liquid. I'd let it come to a boil first, seasoned, cover it tightly and simmer for 35 minutes a pound.

    Good luck,


  4. The longer meats cook in liquid the more tender they become. Overcooked means you need a spatula or egg flipper to dip them out of the kettle or roaster. That is how we get "pulled meats" for our burritos and posoles. they just fall apart and don't need teeth to be eaten.

    I always put pot roast in the crock pot and cook it about 4 hours.

    I have simmered a brisket (one of the tougher cuts) for about 6 hours on top of the stove. But that was an 8 pound piece of meat.

    Poke it with the meat fork to see how tender it is getting. I don't cook meats by the clock.

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