
How many minutes should I run every day to get in good shape?

by Guest33100  |  earlier

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How many minutes should I run every day to get in good shape?




  1. 20 to 30..and then as the week goes on increase it by 5 mintues

  2. Generally 30-45 min I prefer 45 min. If you are not overweight you need to run enough to burn ONLY the excess of calories you had for that day. Why my answer? If you run six miles a day which burns about 600 calories or 100 calories per mile but you eat 800 calories more than you should of, than you are still 200 calories over than you should be after your run. Meaning you will not loose weight if you put more calories in your body, than you can burn off; inclusively you can even gain weight even if you're running. So to loose weight you need to burn more calories than you consume. To maintain your current weight you only need to burn off the excess calories for that day. What you need to find out is according to your age and height How many calories you should have daily. Let's say you're suppose to eat 2000 calories per day but ate 2400 you'll need to run 4 miles to burn those extra 400 calories. Let say your overweight but eat 2000 calories per day than any amount of running should produce weight loss. Obviously the more you run the more weight you'll lose.

  3. There are a lot of factors to consider other than minutes per day. Do you have any specific goals? What kind of shape are you in now? In any case, if you really want to improve, you should set some specific goals and use a mixture of hard and easy workouts to get there. If you just run the same time & distance every day, you won't improve nearly as much as if you mix up easy days (run a comfortable distance at a comfortable pace) with hard days (run a longer distance, or run the usual distance at a faster pace, or run a much shorter distance multiple times at an even faster pace, etc.)

  4. you must watch what u eat more important...............TO LOOK GOOD IS TO FEEL GOOD and i LOOOOOK  Marvelous!

  5. I run about 20 minutes almost everyday and I stay in very good shape.

  6. Just go out and run to the best of your ability for thirty minutes.  That is the recomnded amount.  Also watch what you eat!  Do not eat any greasy c**p.

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