
How many moms here auctually had natural child birth no pain meds ?

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i honor you i absolutely could not do it just curious how you made it through the pain knowing you could be medicated




  1. I could have drank alcohol when I was pregnant but I didn't.

    Seriously though for me childbirth is not that painful, being at home and not under stress prevents pain.  When you are under stress your flight-or-fight instinct kicks in and your blood goes to your head, arms, and legs -which deprives your uterus of oxygen.  And as you know from exercising when your muscles don't get enough oxygen they hurt and burn.

    Childbirth was nothing compared to the menstrual cramps I got as a teenager, and at least labour I knew would be over soon.

    With my second my water broke and I was worried because I wasn't having contractions, then after awhile of laying down I realized I was having contractions as a little bit of fluid would gush.  I checked and they were proper contractions involving the whole uterus.  I had my baby 8 hours later, the only painful part was the fact that I had SPD so the pressure on my pelvis was pretty bad once I had to start walking.

  2. I have had 3 natural child births.  My first child was 9 lbs 4oz who's head was in the 97 percentile and shoulders of a football player.

    My second was a little girl 8 lbs 5 oz (my tiny one) she was pretty easy except for the meconium so they made me hold her in once the head popped which was a bit overwhelming when your body is telling you to push.

    My last was 9lbs 12 ozs and had shoulder dystocia which resulted in an injury but had I had medication it could have been so much worse.  I knew what was going on and when to stop pushing because I could feel everything.  We knew he was going to be large and I needed to be on the top of my game to make sure he came into the world safely.

    I think sometimes medication makes things worse rather than better so for me I choose to not use them unless absolutely necessary.  It hurts like h**l when you are in the middle but at that point there is no turning back and soon it will all be over and you will have a beautiful baby to help you forget.  I've done it natural and had 3 within 5 years so it's definitely doable and not that bad:)!

    I do not think badly of anyone who needs the epidural it's a personal choice.  Medication in general is something I say away from I didn't even take Tylenol or Motrin after the baby was born.  I have always been blessed with a high threshold for pain that not all people have.

  3. On my second of three I tried to have an epidural but it didn't work, by the time they came back to redo it I was at 10 cm  Hooray!!!  Weirdly, I have to say it wasn't that bad, but she did come quickly.

    My third the epidural barely worked, and I was actually glad to have some sensation.

  4. I went all natural. I thought the same thing that I couldn't do it because I'm a big wimp when it comes to pain and I had fully intended on getting an epidural even though I'm afraid of needles lol. Unfortunately my little angel was in to much of a rush to come out and surprised us after 7 hours of labor before I could get any pain medication what-so-ever. It really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I had horrible back labor but the delivery part was a breeze and honestly (for me) less painful then the contractions during labor. I thought I was dying with my back labor and wouldn't have gotten through actual laboring part as well as I did if my aunt (an RN) hadn't shown up to help me breath through the contractions.  

  5. Not I not I... i loved my epidurals, but i don't know if i would repeat them.  I hated staidol and demerol, i just felt woozy, but the epi was fantastic.  No pain, and all sorts of focus.  But, they wet-tapped my spine with my last one, and i had spinal headaches for a week afterward.  I swear, the headaches were worse then having a c-section.  Plus i had a funny reaction to that particular medicine and my blood pressure dropped dramatically and i passed out, and then i stopped breathing on the operating table, so i don't know that i would do it again.  I for sure won't give birth at a teaching hospital again.  Only experience for me from now on...

  6. I did, absolutely nothing at all but fluids did attempt to get an epidural but there wasn't enough time. The only reason I didn't do any meds is because I got to the hospital too late, there was no time for meds... so I had to do it without, I begged pleaded and cried for an epidural but they refused... it really wasn't that bad, not how I planned to do it, but in no way did I feel like I was dying or anything!

  7. good for all of you who delivered big babies with no meds. 4 weeks ago i delevered a 5 pound baby with epidural. i barely felt anything it was great.

  8. Wish I would have been given the choice, I had to have a C-section and because I'm a big girl and my baby was big (11 lbs. 15 oz) they had to put me out completely. But even if I hadn't had a C-section I doubt I could do it without pain meds. I'm a wimp that way. Commend anyone who can. My co-worker did it all natural and she said you feel more of sense of accomplishment.

  9. With my first child I did it vaginally and no meds whatsoever. The only thing going thru my IV was fluid to keep me hydrated. My son was 11 pounds at birth. Yes, I did do it completly natural.  

  10. My Mom had me natural.

    My Grandma had 9 babies naturally.

    I plan to have my children natural.

  11. I was planning on having an epidural but my contractions kicked in so fast, the doctor didn't have time to give me anything. That was 10 weeks ago.

    BTW, its not as bad as what people say. Its alot of pressure and a tad painful, but its worth the whole labor to feel your little one finally sliding out of you. I was surprised with myself.

  12. My wife has had 5.  She did it because the well-being of her children is a higher priority than her own comfort.

    Bradley Childbirth teaches some good pain management techniques, which Lamaze does not.

  13. I have had three children, and labored with all of them without pain medications.

    With my first, I planned for a natural birth.  I arrived at the hospital, though, in severe pain and did indeed ask for pain medication but they would not give me anything until my doctor got there, and by then it was too late.  That labor was something amazing-all sorts of nurses and doctors were coming in to see what was going on, and I ended up having an emergency cesarean because of her erratic heartbeat. (General anesthesia for the surgery).

    With my second, I planned for a natural birth.  I ended up being induced, so I was administered Pitocin but aside from that I had no other drugs.  His birth was a successful VBAC without pain meds, and was an amazing experience.  The contractions hurt, but when you get to the point of pushing it is almost a relief to do so.

    With my third, I planned for another natural birth.  I ended up being induced again, and was administered Pitocin.  I labored all day without pain meds, until a Spinal for another emergency cesarean because her heart rate dropped so low.

    If I have any more children, I will attempt natural birth again if my doctor will allow it (I might have to have a planned cesarean due to the prior two).

  14. I had my son naturally, with alot of breathing and focus work, I did it, only 4 stitches and a very quick labour

  15. i did, but only because gas and air made me really sick. i didn't think i was in that much pain to get an epidural.  but i wished i had, because i tore and needed stitched. the midwife was trying to get me to take gas and air, but i point blank refused, and i screamed the place down. didn't make a peep during labor!

  16. I had a natural birth 7+ months ago.  It was wonderful and I hope to do the same thing with my next one(s).  I had my birth at home with the assistance of my husband and 2 midwives.  I also took Bradley Method classes with boast a 90% pain free labor percentage.  I thoroughly educated myself during my pregnancy and had every bit of faith in myself that birth was natural and I was created for this purpose.  I not once thought about pain relief.

  17. I had my son vaginally with no drugs but I'll admit that it wasn't by my choice.  My son came so quickly I didn't have time to be administered any pain meds.  I was 7-8cm dialated when I arrived at the hospital (long story short about that one:  he was my first baby and because I was two weeks early I dismissed the contractions as Braxton Hicks.  I now know that I have an incredibly high pain tolerance!) and within a half hour of arriving there was checked and set up in the delivery room and my water was broken.  After 16 minutes of pushing, my son was here!  As I said, I wanted to have an epidural and I honestly don't know how I'll handle pain management with any subsequent children.  I do give big-time props to women who go in knowing they want nothing and sticking to their guns!

  18. I did -

    I didn't have anything to help, no shave, no enima, no drugs absolutely no intervention whatsoever - and when I have my second I will do the same.

    I should add though that I had a waterbirth and it was AWESOME. The contractions were so much more manageable once I was in the tub and my husband could support me in the water from behind.

    That moment when the head finally popped out was the most amazing moment/feeling of my life. I will never forget it. I would never want that to be dulled out by drugs. Some pain has a purpose and I think childbirth is one of those times. It is the most natural and fundamental act in life, I wouldn't want to pollute that moment with unnecessary substances.

    How to do it - be in shape physically and mentally, expect pain and prepare yourself to handle it, learn breathing technics and the hardest part of all - breath into the contractions - don't fight them and tense up - relax and use imagery to help move through the moment. Allow the excitment of meeting your new baby generate natural pain relief.


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