
How many months have you tried to get pregnant for the first time?

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My sister in law and my brother in law are trying to get pregnant. My sister in law is 34, brother in law 39. (My brother in law has a girl from his previous relationship, so obviously, he has no problem there.)

My sister in law has polycystic ovarian syndrome, but it is not completely impossible for her to get pregnant. Just wondering how many of you out there tried to get pregnant for the first time, and succeed within 2 months. or 1 month. Thank you




  1. 13 months

  2. Nope it took me and my hubby 4 months

  3. my first baby we were not trying an it took 2yrs of the pull out method for me to get pregnant...

    this time we were trying an it took 2wks :-)

  4. It took us about 6 months. Best of luck!

  5. I am 32 years old, My husband & I got pregnant on our 1st try. I confirmed it 3 weeks later. It was right after my period. >_<

  6. It took me two years to conceive. I have polycycstic ovaries. Some weight loss, and health management (I took metformin for my insulin resistance) is what led to my pregnancy.

    If she knows she has PCOS, she should seek fertility assistance.

  7. It took us 6 months.

  8. We succeeded in one month. I do not have PCOS, though.  

    Actually, your brother-in-law could still have a problem, too.   While they are trying to conceive, is he eating right, taking a good multivitamin?  Is he visiting his doctor, etc?   Just because he has one child, earlier, doesn't mean he's not having a problem now.   Men start having more problematic sperm as they get older, too.    

  9. First Month......

  10. my hubby and i tried for over a year and nothing so, we went to a fertility specialist and went through all kinds of tests and nothing is wrong with us! it just won't happen. so i went on fertility drugs and the first month got pregnant but at 11 weeks miscarried twins!

  11. I started trying in September and got pregnant in December.

  12. try from January and conceived on March.. about 2 months..

  13. It can take months but I've succeeded after 1 month  

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