
How many months or years did it take you to become good at golf?

by Guest10983  |  earlier

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How many months or years did it take you to become good at golf?




  1. i'm still working on it....have NOT played much in the last few years. but i have been playing since 1991.

  2. I started when I was 8. And when I was a freshmen in high school I was a 15 handicap. And then by senior year of high school I was a 3 handicap! But at that point i was playing golf everyday at least 9 holes and hitting balls! SO it took me about 8-10 years to get average to above average.

    You will get what you put into it. But it should take a few years to get to know how to deal with the swing, direction and correct your mistakes. Good luck!

  3. Well, i have been playing for 35 years now and i have never reached a point that i was satisfied with my results.  But, i still the game anyways. :)

  4. If you got it, you got it!

  5. well i started at 4 years old and started tournaments at 5 years old and i won my first place trophy at the age of 7. ive been playing for 6 years now and maybe i will see you in the lpga haha it takes a pretty long time to be really good at golf it is not an easy sport. Good luck=D

  6. hurm, took me about a month to manage lift the balls i hit to the air lol. I've been playing for 2 months now and get lots of bogeys and occasionally pars. Can say im average but it took 6 years for my father to be really good in golf

  7. 3 years for me

  8. For me, it took years before I could shoot in the 70's. I was always a baseball player and it took me a while to realize the swings were quite different.

    I don't know if that makes me good but...I finally felt I belonged at any course, on any tee.


  9. i have been golfing since I was 6 and now I'm 16 and I'm average at golf. but I don't go a lot. you just need to stay with it and be consistant. Try to get out to a golf course at least 3 times a month.

  10. Personally it takes about 2 years to become more thean average at golfing but golfing is the sport in my family and ive played since i was only 5 years old. So it probley took me about 3.

  11. Ask Tiger Woods..........never held a golf club in my hand......I prefer contact or indiviaual SPORTS that involve more than walking from hole to hole.....Let me rapel down the side of a mountain, now THAT's a thrill and a chill....

    Christopher, and yes I do get out of the kitchen at times, also just bodysurfed some AWSOME waves, as I live across from the Pacific on the beach.....Geez, those were some big faces (on the waves, like 10-13 feet)  Scoring down those were a blast~!


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