
How many more 10-year deadlines to 'fix' global warming will there be??

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According to July 5, 1989, article in the Miami Herald, the then-director of the New York office of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), Noel Brown, warned of a “10-year window of opportunity to solve” global warming. According to the 1989 article, “A senior U.N. environmental official says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000. Coastal flooding and crop failures would create an exodus of ‘eco-refugees,’ threatening political chaos.”


Another 10 year warning from the Climate Change Taskforce in their report.


And yet another deadline when Al Gore on July 17th, Addressed U.S. government leaders stating that we have 10 years to do some thing about global warming.

Is it any wonder that the ranks of the 'man-did-it' global warming faith are becoming smaller and smaller??




  1. Wow. How many 20 year old articles in how many newspapers did you have to search before finding a quote like that? ;-)

    Whether or not this single article quotes Brown correctly is irrelevant, because Brown isn't a climate scientist.  Which is why I continually tell people that if you're actually interested in the truth about global warming you should read what actual respected scientific organizations and climate scientists say (not what politicians, political think-tanks, personal blogs, or political hacks hired by industry to obfuscate the issue say).

    I'd suggest starting with these to get a foundation on the subject:

    The University Corporation for Atmospheric Research Global Warming FAQs

    NASA Global Warming Q&A:

    Department of Geology and Geophysics at Yale Global Warming FAQ

    NOAA Global Warming FAQ

    The 2008 National Academy of Sciences Summary Brochure on Climate Change

  2. These climate "predictions" are similar to the folks walking around wearing sandwich boards that proclaim "the end of the world is near".

    As long as they get your attention, it doesn't matter what the message is.

    Actually I have long wondered why anyone thinks they can predict climate a hundred years out when it depends heavily upon volcanic events, and no claims to be able to predict volcanic eruptions.

    The Yellowstone super volcano is overdue to erupt, and would immediately chill things down a LOT.

    And how come total thermonuclear war and the accompanying "nuclear winter" (popular some years ago) isn't figured into climate probabilities?  Russia and the USA are going to be buddy buddy over the next 100 years guaranteed?

  3. They will have as many as it takes to empty our wallets and send our economy into ruin if this nonsense isn't stopped. It is amazing to me that even though their predictions never come true they can still attract followers, so many gullible people so little time I guess.

  4. We have seen the last of the 10 year warnings from the global warming alarmists. Starting about 3 years ago the warming trend reversed itself and now the earth is naturally cooling. In a few years the environazis will be screaming that we are causing an ice age like they did in the 1970s.

  5. You're correct that the "10 year" business is over the top.

    But what is undeniably true is that, the sooner we start to fix this, the less it will cost.

    And the ranks of those who understand that global warming is real, and mostly caused by us, increase as the mountain of proof gets higher and higher.

  6. "He's not a climate scientist" or "he's irrelevant" - - - see not only do they change the terms of the debate, the climate history, their entire thesis about what global warming will in turn produce, they also pick and choose which rising or falling star to pin their hopes to.

    Back when these men gave their warnings, the alarmists rallied around them.   Then when they're de-bunked they disassociate with them.    

    At least, they try to.

  7. When you hear someone give a  ten year deadline, you can guarantee it will be followed by garbage.  I remember Ted Dansen, (an intellectual equal to Al Gore) predicted that we had only 10 years to change or the ocean would die and that was 15 years ago.  There are countless examples.  It is almost proof of the disingenuousness of the person making the prediction. They are treating everyone else as if they are complete fools.

  8. They have to keep on giving us new deadlines to scare people about the future because none of their prophecy's of doom are coming true.  CO2 emissions are growing at "an alarming rate", yet nothing is happening to the temperature.  Politicians just like round numbers - 2030, 2050, 100 years, 10 years, blah blah blah.  Its all such a load.

    I want to hear a politician say: We must stop global warming 17 years from next Thursday.  I might listen to that.

  9. deadlines to "fix" global climate change have been issued for more than 100 years. it used to be 30 years, now it is 10 years. when will it stop? when the global climate change alarmists have complete power to control the worlds population. understand that this is not about the environment, it is about money and power. al gore wants you to believe him and buy carbon credits from his company so that he can make more money off the backs of working people. with that money he can work to expand his political power. if al gore truly cared about the environment, he would stop using his private jet to fly everywhere, he would reduce the amount of energy his house consumes, and he would actually practice what he preaches. since he, and many others, refuse to do that, you can surmise that global climate change isnt the issue that the AGW crowd makes it out to be.

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